What to Pack for the Hospital

by | Jan 23, 2021

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Do you have everything you need in your hospital bag?  Or maybe too much?

Not to worry!  I’ve got you covered.  Sit back, relax and review the list below as a comprehensive guide.  You may choose not to pack everything suggested and that’s okay.  This list is comprehensive to ensure you won’t forget a thing!

Labor Bag for Expectant Mother

  1. Insurance Card and Photo ID
  2. Hospital Paperwork (if not pre-registered)
  3. Copy of advance directives (if you have one)
  4. Cord Blood Banking kit (I personally recommend Cryo-Cell International because of their advanced processing method called Prepacyte-CB. Lots of good research on this.) Click HERE for information about Public Donation. Do this BEFORE 34 weeks!
  5. Pediatrician Name/Phone Number
  6. Hairbrush/hair bands
  7. Eye glasses/Contact lens storage container
  8. Toothbrush/toothpaste/mouthwash
  9. Shampoo/conditioner/body wash
  10. Lotion/deodorant
  11. Bath towel (large)
  12. Lip moisturizer
  13. Ear plugs (L&D can be noisy)
  14. Phone/charger (Long charging cord)
  15. Speakers or headphones
  16. Camera/battery/memory card
  17. Two or more pillows for bed (inexpensive in case they get misplaced/colored or patterned pillow cases)
  18. One feeding pillow (Boppy!)
  19. Frozen meal for post-delivery
  20. Baby Book for footprints
  21. Prescribed medications (in RX bottles)

Partner Labor Bag

  1. Snacks!!!
  2. Slippers or flip flops–please do not walk barefooted in halls
  3. Comfy Sleep Pants or Shorts
  4. Change of clothing
  5. Pillow (pillow cases should not be white)
  6. Basic toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant)
  7. Prescribed/OTC Medications (Advil, Tylenol, Tums, Rolaids, Pepto – the hospital can not give medication to partners,so be prepared in case you get an upset stomach or headache.)
  8. Camera/memory card/batteries
  9. Cash (small amount for vending/parking)
  10. Credit Card
  11. Cell phone
  12. Charger for all electronics
  13. Phone numbers
  14. Firestick, laptop, ipad

Expecting Mother – Postpartum Bag

  1. Nightgown/Pajamas (more than one set)
  2. Extra snacks
  3. Nursing Bra. The ones shown here have smooth fabric and are gentle on your skin, with little to no irritation. Having a nursing bra will make you feel more comfortable during your hospital stay.
  4. Nursing pads (washable or disposable).
  5. Nursing Pillow. This can be helpful when trying to position for breastfeeding.
  6. If breastfeeding easy front open tops
  7. Maternity Robe
  8. Loose fitting clothing for discharge
  9. Breast Pump. You may or may not need a breast pump at the hospital. Usually if you are having difficulty feeding they recommend a hospital grade pump which an be rented. These are the best for getting a milk supply started. If you become engorged, you an either use an electric pump or a handheld manual pump to relieve some pressure. This can also be done by hand expression, so pumps are optional.

Baby Bag

  1. Infant Car Seat. Be sure the car seat is specifically for infants and not toddlers such as the one shown here.
  2. GOING HOME OUTFIT. Your baby will need an outfit to go home in. Be sure it is weather appropriate. If the weather is cold, consider a Car Seat Blanket. I like the one shown because it easily transitions in and out of car keeping the baby warm and wrapped. Your baby is not disturbed while sleeping and if it gets too hot in the car, you can just open the blanket.
  3. Receiving Blankets. These are usually provided in the hospital, but you are welcome to bring your own. Sometimes it is helpful to have the nurses show you how to swaddle with your own blankets so you can learn at home.
  4. Carseat/stoller combination. Car seats can be hard on your back. using a lightweight car seat/stroller combination can make transport to the car much easier.
  5. Burp Cloths. Perfect for protecting your clothing when burping little ones, wiping up sticky messes, as a breastfeeding cover up, for teething, dribbling babies or even as a changing mat cover when out and about to keep the area hygienic.
  6. Baby BookDon’t miss the precious opportunity to have a professional get your first footprints. Their feet will never be this little again!!! Just let the nurse know you have a book and they will be happy to get you a good set of prints.

Approved Food during Labor in a Facility:

  1. Honey Sticks for energy
  2. Broth
  3. Jello
  4. Juices (apple, cranberry – no chunks of fruit nor pulp allowed)
  5. Gingerale
  6. Italian Ice or Popsicles
  7. Gatorade

Items Hospital May Provide (Feel free to call to confirm)

  1. Gowns
  2. Robes
  3. Non-slip socks
  4. Two pillows
  5. Blankets/sheets for partner’s bed
  6. Mesh Underwear (these are great for home too)
  7. Feminine Pads (need at home also)
  8. Peri-bottle
  9. Sitz bath
  10. Medications for postpartum
  11. Small towels
  12. Birth ball/peanut ball
  13. Heat packs/ice packs
  14. Gentle drape if you want to view a c-section
  15. Skin-to-skin after delivery
  16. Partner bed
  17. Souvenir baby footprints
  18. Formula (if formula feeding)
  19. Pacifiers (if desired)

Optional Distraction Items for Early Labor

  1. Cards
  2. Suduko
  3. Crossword Puzzles
  4. Adult Coloring Books and Crayons OR Adult Dot-to-Dot
  5. Read a Good Book
  6. Puzzles
  7. Board Games

Comfort Items for Labor

  1. Tennis balls in a sock for massage
  2. Noise Cancelling Headphones
  3. Heating Pad or Heat Sack
  4. Aroma Therapy Lotions
  5.  Flexible Heat/Cold Therapy Pack with Straps (will strap around bell and stay in place)
  6.  Rebozo – can help with positioning, support and comfort
  7.  Birth Ball (most hospitals provide this, but helpful to have to one practice positions at home. May also be used to sit on and gently bounce baby as a way to comfort baby)
  8. Peanut Ballthis is used to help open the pelvis and allow more space for baby to move down.
  9. Head Massager
  10. Apollo Back Massager
  11.  Tens Machine for pain relief

Creating a soothing environment

  1.  LED Candles
  2. Strings of Lights to Create a Relaxing Environment
  3.  Aromatherapy Diffuser (we see these a lot)
  4.  Sound Machine
  5. Focal Point (lava lamp, sonogram pictures, vacation pictures)
  6. Sentimental items from home (favorite blanket, pillow)
  7. Eye Mask




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