Will it Hurt When My Water Breaks?

Does it hurt when my water breaks? And other questions answered. OCTOBER 11, 2021 BY JULIANA PARKER, RNC-OB, C-EFM, CLE Do not consider the opinions expressed here as medical advice (click to read more) All of the content provided on the website are for informational...

Understanding Your Pregnancy Anatomy and How it Functions

Understanding Your Pregnancy Parts and How They Function OCTOBER 6, 2021 BY JULIANA PARKER, RNC-OB, C-EFM, CLE Do not consider the opinions expressed here as medical advice (click to read more) All of the content provided on the website are for informational purposes...

Medicated Cervical Ripening: The Process Explained

Medicated Cervical Ripening: The Entire Process Explained SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 BY JULIANA PARKER, RNC-OB, C-EFM, CLE Do not consider the opinions expressed here as medical advice (click to read more) All of the content provided on the website are for informational...


WHAT IS STRIPPING YOUR MEMBRANES       Stripping your membranes is a process when your OB provider performs a vaginal exam and separates the amniotic sac from the cervix.  It is quick and can be a bit uncomfortable. The benefit, it releases hormones, and in many...


17 TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL C-SECTION RECOVERY Having a baby is a very incredible time in your life, but what happens if you have to have a c-section? Whether you have (or had) a scheduled procedure or an unexpected c-section, your c-section recovery will be a bit more...

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Juliana Parker, 17-year active RN shares valuable experienced-based information you won't hear anywhere else!

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